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Tour dell’Emilia Romagna

7 days

TOUR OF THE EMILIA-ROMAGNA REGION – Between productive realities, art, culture and gastronomy

Arrival of the group in Bologna, meeting at the airport with guide and private coach. Depending on the time of arrival, it will be possible to make a first visit to the city. Continuation to the hotel, accommodation. Dinner at your leisure. Overnight stay.

Breakfast at the hotel. Meals at your leisure. Guided tour of Bologna: the Fountain of Neptune, the Basilica of S. Petronio, the Archiginnasio, the church of S. Stefano: the latter is the most unique complex in Bologna, as it is a true city sanctuary and the cradle of our ancestor’s faith. Built around a first nucleus from the fifth century – commissioned by Bishop Petronius – which was later joined by a reproduction of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem – and next to the chapel with the remains of the Bolognese protomartyrs Vitale and Agricola (exhumed by Saint Ambrose in 392), the complex of S. Stefano houses buildings erected between the tenth and thirteenth centuries by the Benedictines. Taken together they form a symbolic reconstruction of the places of the Passion of Christ, as attested by the ancient denomination of the complex: ‘Sacra Hierusalem (Sacred Jerusalem)’. The façades of the churches of the Crucifix (Crocifisso) (on the right), of the Calvary (Calvario)(in the centre) and of the SS. Vitale and Agricola (on the left) overlook the beautiful square. The first contains a crypt dating back to 1019 and precious works of art; the second, round in shape, is dominated by the reproduction of the Sepulchre of Christ (12th-14th centuries), which in the past contained the urn with the relics of Saint Petronius, protector of Bologna, currently kept in the Basilica dedicated to the Patron Saint; the third, of great attraction for its unadorned basilica structure, contains the ancient coffins of Saints Vitale and Agricola (the capitals of various shapes, coming from previous constructions of Roman and Byzantine age, as well as the remains of mosaic floors from the 6th century, are interesting). Also worthy of attention is the Courtyard of Pilate (Cortile di Pilato) with a marble basin donated by Liutprand and Hildeprand, kings of the Lombards – who had their main religious centre in Santo Stefano – and the church della Trinità, which was renovated between the 11th and 13th centuries, where you can admire a valuable crib in painted and gilded wood by Simone dei Crocifissi (14th century). The Benedictine cloister with double loggia (10th-13th centuries), one of the most superb creations of the Emilian Romanesque style, is very impressive. Finally, the museum is worth a visit, which displays paintings, sculptures and other artworks from various eras. S.Maria della Vita, S. Domenico (tomb of Saint Dominic, with sculptures also by Michelangelo), City Hall (courtyard, staircase, Hall of Hercules – Sala d’Ercole, if desired also the Hall of the Town Council). Magnificent Archiginnasio, with a beautiful anatomical theatre. It is a tour with absolute masterpieces. The City Hall (Palazzo Comunale) is accessible and you can visit some rooms, such as the very interesting Hall of Hercules, and, if there is no session in progress, also the Hall of the Town Council. Return to the hotel.

Day 3 – BOLOGNA – APENNINES (Pompeano in the municipality of Serramazzoni) – MARANELLO -MODENA  – BOLOGNA
Breakfast at the hotel. Meals at your leisure.  Early morning departure for the Modenese Apennines (1 hour journey from Bologna). At 07.30 am you must be on site to visit the cheese and organic factory that produces mountain Parmesan cheese. It will be possible to attend the various production phases, breakfast break. This will be followed by the visit of their stables where cows of the Bianca Modenese breed are raised. On the way back, a stop in Maranello for a visit to the Ferrari Gallery.  The visit continues to Modena, for a guided tour of the Cathedral, an excellent example of Romanesque architecture, Piazza Grande, the Ghirlandina Tower (Torre Ghirlandina)  (the Cathedral, Piazza Grande and the Ghirlandina Tower are WORLD HERITAGE SITES), the City Hall, Piazza Roma with the Ducal Palace (Palazzo Ducale) from the outside, via Emilia, Luciano Pavarotti Municipal Theatre. Return to Bologna.

Breakfast at the hotel. Meals at your leisure. Departure for Anzola Emilia for a visit to the ice-cream museum of the Carpigiani factory and a lesson on how ice cream is made. Continuation towards Castelnuovo Rangone with a stop for a visit to a traditional balsamic vinegar cellar of Modena with tasting. Upon arrival in Castelnuovo, visit of the MUSA (Museo della Salumeria, the charcuterie museum), and of the cured meat factory (visit to the production plant to be confirmed). The day will end with a visit to Vignola with the famous Fortress, which stands on a sandstone spur overlooking the Panaro valley, in the enchanting landscape of the first hillsides. One of the most interesting examples of fortified architecture in Emilia, it has been mentioned since 1178. In the fourteenth century, it belonged to the Este family of Ferrara who in 1401 granted it as a feud to Uguccione dei Contrari who transformed it into a refined stately home. When Ercole, the last of the Contrari, died the fortress passed in 1577 to the new feudal lords, the Boncompagni princes. Purchased in 1965 by the Cassa di Risparmio di Vignola, it was sold in 1998 to the Vignola Foundation. The mighty quadrilateral mass on five floors, with three corner towers – named towers of Nonantola, delle Donne and del Pennello – is crowned by projections for the defence through machicolations, typical of the 15th century. In the internal courtyard, on the left, stands the Rocchetta and the halls of the Contrari and the Grassoni open up. Among the frescoed rooms, the Chapel stands out, which is a true jewel of the “international” Gothic. The lodgings of the armigers and the “chemins de ronde” on the ramparts  can be visited.
Return to Bologna.

Breakfast at the hotel. Meals at your leisure. Departure for Ravenna, upon arrival guided tour starting from via Farini, on foot: Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, S. Vitale, the Orthodox Baptistery (better known as the Baptistery of Neon), Diocesan Museum, Piazza del Popolo, S. Francesco and Dante’s Tomb, Basilica of S. Apollinare Nuovo; at the end of the tour the Basilica of S. Apollinare in Classe, and the town of Dozza, with the painted walls, the fortress and the Regional Wine Cellar. Return to Bologna.

Breakfast at the hotel.  Upon arrival in Parma guided tour of the Cathedral with the Baptistery, the Farnese Theatre, which also includes the two rooms of the National Gallery with the works of Correggio and Parmigianino, Shrine of Santa Maria della Steccata, the Regio Theatre (from the outside), historic city centre. Return to Bologna, Time at your leisure in the city.

Breakfast at the hotel. Free time in the city and possible last visits with the guide. Depending on the flight schedule, transfer to the airport for the return flight.
We will change the programme based on the scheduled flight and airport of arrival and departure.

The order of the visits could be changed for organisational needs, but this will have no impact on the contents of the visits.

The fee includes: coach available for the entire duration of the tour (VAT and tolls included); accommodation in a central 3-star hotel in Bologna on a bed and breakfast basis; all scheduled visits with a licensed English-speaking guide (always the same guide for the entire duration of the tour); entrances to: Cheese factory with tasting; MUSA, Salumificio (cured meat factory) Villani, Ferrari Gallery, Carpigiani ice cream museum with tasting, Balsamic vinegar cellar with tasting, in Ravenna: Galla Placidia, S.Vitale, Baptistery, Museum, S.Apollinare Nuovo, S.Apollinare in Classe, Dozza Imolese.

The fee does not include: Meals, entrance fees not mentioned, anything not expressly indicated under “the fee includes” section.